Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weekend get-away

Last weekend, my wonderful hubby & I took a little road trip to the "Most Beautiful Place in America."  I had previously thought that the Upper Peninsula of Michigan was my favorite place on earth... Looks like I need to expand that to include upper lower Michigan-- or is that northern Lower Michigan?  Whatever you call it... it was simply beautiful!!! We've driven through the area near the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore several time on our way home from the U.P. and we always said we should come back someday...  I'm glad that someday finally came!

My husband has been after me for years to visit the Indiana Dunes.  It just never sounded like much fun to me.  Big sand hills?  Sounds really exciting, honey...  Well, I think I'll reconsider my low opinion of the dunes after this trip. 
Miles and miles of breathtaking beach, towering bluffs, incredibly blue water, all surrounded by rugged forests. We visited the ocean (Virginia Beach) as a family this past summer.  (The girls had never even seen the ocean.  They loved it!  I thought it was just ok.  I guess it grew on me a little bit over time, but I'm not dreaming of spending my next vacation there...)   All I have to say is that if I ever won a bazillion dollars in the lottery, my beachfront vacation home would be on the Great Lakes, not on the ocean.  I can't get over the beauty of it--no matter how many times I've seen it!

Crystal clear lakes in unbelievable blue colors.  One word:  incredible! 

We visited lighthouses and museums-- two of my favorite things!  This is the original Fresnel lens from the Pointe Betsie Lighthouse
Pointe Betsie Lighthouse.  We were too late for a tour, but I could have spent all day just walking the beach and looking at this view!!!
View from the top of the fog signal building at Pointe Betsie Lighthouse
Scenic view from the lighthouse grounds
 We saw tons of deer and wild turkeys, a couple of porcupines (unfortunately they were squished on the side of the road-- but it still counts as my first ever porcupine sighting...), and TWO bald eagles!  There are historic shipping villages and farming communities, small touristy villages with cute little shops, hiking, camping, swimming (though not this weekend--brrrrrr!), museums, lots of road-side fruit stands, and so much more. The whole area has so much to see and do, I think we'll have to go back sometime soon!
Scenic overlook on the drive home where we saw the 2 eagles
I still haven't figured out how I'm going to win that bazillion dollars in the lottery when I don't play... but I NEED to have a house on one of the Great Lakes.  I used to think it needed to be in the White Fish Point area of the Upper Peninsula, but I've realized after this weekend that I don't need to be that picky...  I think I'd be just as happy in northern Lower Michigan (upper lower Michigan?) as I would be in the U.P.  :o) 

This trip was just what the Dr. ordered.  I've been so busy with my shop lately, the peace and quiet was just what I needed to recharge.  Now it's nose to the grindstone for the next 3 months before I get another breather.  I think I can make it now...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Treasury Tuesday- Ode to Poe

Seasonal treasury I created this week:

'Ode to Poe: Quoth the Raven Nevermore' by LauriesGiftsBiz

Raven /Crow, Full M...


From my Original Pa...

Edgar Allan Poe Rav...

Ode to Poe COMMISSI...

The Raven

Black Cat Society -...

Vinyl Wall Letterin...

RAVEN TREE an open ...

Pocket Mirror "...

Nevermore Mirror

Black Feather Neckl...

Edgar Allan Poe - &...

The Raven- FEATHER ...

Edgar Allen Poe Rav...

Edgar Allen Poe'...

Treasury I was featured in today:

Time to pick some etsy apples ' by jeankiefer

Gather in the great harvest on etsy.

Autumn Photograph -...

Cape - Orchard- Bur...

Antique Apples Autu...

Knit Hat Red Apple ...

Bangle Set - Chocol...

Fall Apple Harvest ...

Specimen No. 6 - Ea...

Autumn Leaves Picas...

Felted wool mittens...

Autumn Leaves Hand ...

Crisp Red Delicious...

Teacher Utility Apr...

Under the apple tre...

Vintage- style Pul...

Baby booties "...

Autumn Leaves Natur...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cats. They just don't listen....

My special non-sewing project for last week was making myself a HUGE light box to try to improve my photography.  So far, it works better in theory than in actual fact-- but I'm not giving up yet.  However, one strict rule I have for the light box is "NO CATS ALLOWED."

Glamour shots for cats.  I may be onto something here...
Lola is a Maine Coon (probably-- we rescued her from a shelter, so we'll never know her heritage for sure) and she has a LOT of fur.  I do my best to keep her OUT of my sewing room, to keep it as fur-free as possible.  She cooperates most of the time, especially since that's where the dog hangs out all day with me...  

I even close the room off when I'm not working so that she'll stay out.  Despite my precautions, this morning as I was working at the computer, I realized 2 things:

  1. Cats rarely follow even the strictest of rules.  Oh, they'll humor you for a while, but the minute your back's turned-- watch out!  
  2. 6:45 is too early to have a camera flash go off in your face.  Cats don't appreciate it.

Aarrrrrrrggggg!  Now I need to go find the lint brush...