Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Coincidence? Only Better Homes & Gardens knows for sure

Hello all.  Just a couple of minutes ago, I was catching up on one of the blogs I follow, which led me to the Better Homes & Gardens site where I stumbled across a Color Personality Quiz – have you taken it yet?  I dived right in and answered the 8 Questions asked. What's Your Color Personality

I was really curious to see what the results were.  I like lots of different colors.  If you asked me, I would tell you that my favorite color is red, but I really like soooo many colors that it's a close call. 

Wait a minute-- this looks familiar...
Get a load of this:  first thing this morning I ordered some new fabric.  ( Deal of the Day-- you got me again!)  Here's a peek at some of the fabrics I ordered:

What a coincidence!  Blush pink colored fabrics.
I ended up buying 11 yards of different fabrics.  No, they weren't all pink.  But just the fact that this is the color that drove me to the virtual fabric store this morning is a little bit freaky in it's timing!   Coincidence?  You tell me...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Apron redesign - the best laid plans...

If you follow me on Facebook, then you might have heard me mention that my next project was to re-design my Plus Size Smock Apron and restock that sold out section.  I started the project by laying out all the new fabrics I will be using-- then BAM, a new idea hijacked my mojo before I even started cutting the Smock Aprons out...  For some reason, when I'm getting ready to start a big, planned project... that's when a new inspiration strikes me.  It's a stop-whatever-you're-doing-and-make-this-new-apron-right-now kind of thing.  I've learned over the years that if I put off that feeling until I have time to explore the thought, I will probably completely forget what I wanted to do.  (That's happened more times than I want to admit.)

For quite some time, I have been holding on to a piece of fabric that I fell in love with online.  I really wanted to make sure I had just the right apron in mind for it before I ever grabbed the scissors to cut into it.  I ran across that fabric again in my stack of (not-quite-yet organized) fabrics-- when suddenly I knew just what I wanted to do with it!  I tweaked a basic apron pattern; adding several inches to the width of the apron, and adding a curved hem with a darling ruffle. 

The apron on the left is the one that started this whole detour, the fabric on the right was just an innocent bystander.
I don't think this apron will make it into production, but it has been a very fun exercise in creativity.  There are just too many steps in the process to make it--that take too much time to complete--to make it a viable option to expand it as one of the "basics" that I carry in my shop.  I try to streamline as much as possible, since my aprons and purses are so expensive to make to begin with.  Since I am so anal particular about having no exposed seams or raw edges showing on my aprons, I usually take my time-- sewing them exclusively on the sewing machine.  For this apron though, I used 3 of my machines in the process.

Ruffle sewn on Gram's Singer 404
First step of attaching the ruffle sewn on the serger

I forgot to take a picture of me sewing the rest of the apron on my usual sewing machine.  Doh!  Let's pretend I added another photo up there because I said I used 3 machines so I really should have added 3 photos.  (Hindsight... It bites me every time.)   I used my Gram's vintage Singer 404 to sew up the ruffles.  After all these years (and who knows how many sewn garments???) this machine still continues to sew like a dream.  I like to use it occasionally because it reminds me of watching my Gram sewing dresses/nightgowns/robes for us girls when we were little.  :o)  I'm sentimental like that...  And although my serger is a workhorse-- with thousands of "miles" on the odometer-- I usually don't use it on my purse or aprons.  Not that there's anything wrong with an EXPOSED serger-finished seam, lots of other apron & clothing sellers use that technique.  It's perfectly acceptable!  I'm just a a little bit OCD when it comes to sewing.  I like the finished product to look as neat and tidy on the back side as it does on the front side.  So I go the extra mile (or two...)

I worked on the project as often as I could find a free minute or two this past weekend, then finished up yesterday.  I've got to say that I really like how cute and flirty this apron looks on my plus size mannequin.  It's still cute on my petite dress form, but I think the new girl wins this round of the competition.   What do you think?  The plus size mannequin (she really needs a name-- any suggestions?) is on the left in the photos and the petite dress form is on the right.  The little one also belonged to my Gram, and she was fully adjustable at one time.  But she's more than a little bit rusty on the inside now, so she doesn't move quite like she used to...  (Same thing could be said about me, but we won't go into that...)

Ready to be photographed for listing in my shop
Back and side view

Now I need to drag out my light tent and spend the next several hours trying to come up with 10 usable  photos.  Wish me luck!!!

And if you have any suggestions for naming my dress form/ mannequins-- feel free to post them in the comment section below.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Work in progress

Today, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.  I really feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished.  For me, that is...  I finished 2 aprons while I was waiting for my new dress form to be delivered.  And I rephotographed all of  my craft/vendor aprons that I have in stock.  My photography skills are still not very well developed, but I am trying to practice a little at a time so that I will eventually be half-way decent at it...  Setting up my XL photo tent is still somewhat of a challenge, but at least I'm starting to get the hang of it.  However, I think I may need more "photo shoot" practice overall...
Oops!  Wrong button...  Where IS that timer anyway???
Yes, that's me...  I didn't have any other victims models here today to display the aprons on a human body, so I tried to make the best out of what I had to work with.  Overall, the pictures didn't turn out too bad.  And I only had to take 148,367 photos to get a handful of usable photos of each apron....  Progress indeed!

I got 3 new Sweetheart Aprons photographed and added to my Etsy shop this afternoon.  I didn't realize I had run out of every apron but one in this style in my shop until a customer asked me if it came in any other fabrics.  Oops!  I'm waiting for one more fabric delivery this week-- I may add one or two more Sweetheart Aprons before I move on to the next style...  Here's a peek at the new Sweethearts:

Navy Polka Dot
Lime Green Paisley
Aqua Paisley
This has pretty much been an all day assignment for me.  I was actually so preoccupied with this project today that I actually forgot to eat lunch!  What???  I know, right?  That NEVER happens!  And I also forgot to do a load of my husband's work clothes so that he doesn't have to go to work in his undies tomorrow... but that might just have been a selective-memory incident.

A.N.Y.W.A.Y...  Here's a quick look at a few of the new photos I took today for my Etsy shop.  I hope they show the aprons better than the previous apron photos.  We'll see how shoppers respond to the new display.  Time will tell.

Click here to go to the Craft/Vendor section of my shop to see more photos
This has been an awesome day all around, I must say...  But the absolute BEST part of my day was the email I got from my husband telling me not to worry about supper-- he was bring something home for me!!!  Woo hoo!!!  (He's a keeper, that's for sure!!!)   I'm a lucky, lucky girl...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Treasury Tuesday - Celebrate EARTH DAY!

Earth Day 2012 is coming up-- this Sunday, April 22.  To celebrate this year, we've already planted 2 trees in our yard this week.   I don't know if it's just me, but there's something humbling about planting something and realizing that it will be here long after I'm gone...  It always takes forever to pick a spot in the yard to plant trees.  It's a hard decision for me to try to figure out where this little twig I'm planting would like to live for the next 50 or 100 years or more!   But I guess that's not exactly a bad thing...

This week in my Etsy shop, I'm running a little Earth Day Sale on my Wrapper Purse Patterns through Sunday.  Making your own unique purses and totes out of things that usually end up in a landfill somewhere-- it's a great way to recycle!  And it's so fun too!  I had a ball when I used to make these little purses to sell at craft shows and on my original website.  (Here's a link to some photos on Flickr showing a few examples of what I created using these original copyrighted patterns:  Wrapper Purse Photos)   Feel free to share this sale with friends who are interested in upcycling crafts.

'Laurie's Gifts Earth Day Sale' 

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Earth Day Sale: PD...

Wrapper Purse Patte...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Earth Day Sale: DI...

Wrapper Purse Patte...

I also made a new treasury today including a few earth friendly items available for sale at the Etsy Marketplace.  I love to see what other people are doing to keep things out of the landfills!  There are some very creative minds out there in Etsy-land...  :)

'Celebrate EARTH DAY!' 

Recycled Dr Pepper ...

Reclaimed Wood Book...

Bird Feeder, recycl...

Green Beer Bottle W...

Recycled newspaper ...

iPad case vintage ...

Recycled IBC Root B...

Sun Drop Soda Can G...

recycled silver ado...

Earth Day Eco-Frien...

Eco friendly bag ma...

Recycled Aluminum S...

Rainforest Round Co...

Musically Gifted Fl...

Jane Eyre Leather C...

Genuine Vintage 33r...