Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter hike

Sorry for my prolonged absence lately.  I've been in a paperwork fog for the past couple of weeks.  Now that I'm almost done with all of that (taxes filed, but now waiting for Jenna's day off to fill out that darn FAFSA), I'm ready to spend time doing just about anything as long as it doesn't involve receipts or spreadsheets...  I've got my sewing table loaded up with new aprons to sew (not to mention my organization project that I'm dying to get back to) so finding something to do should be no problem.

This past weekend, my husband & I decided to take advantage of a rare free Saturday to take an invigorating winter walk at a local(ish) nature preserve. It was a beautiful day, even if it was only 30 degrees out not counting the wind chill...  We'd been to this preserve once before (to take some senior pictures of Jenna) and we've wanted to go back ever since then to see more of it.  It's so peaceful out there.  Kokiwanee nature preserve features bluffs along the Salamonie River and streams tumbling down waterfalls to flow into the river, so says the brochure/map.  We took a trail we hadn't been on before (thank you, Phoebe!) and had quite an adventure.

It was cold, especially with the brisk wind-- but it didn't take too long to get warmed up "walking" at the pace that Phoebe sets on a walk.  That girl loves to hike!   This time of year, I have trouble seeing where the trail is with leaves covering everything.  Luckily, Phoebe has no trouble finding it, so I just let her follow her nose and we never get lost.  (Which surprises me.  She'll point out every deer trail that crosses the path, but after she's sniffed her fill-- she always continues on the foot path.)

The new trail she took us on led to the Salamonie River.  After we convinced her we DIDN'T want to take the quick way down the bluff, we found a safer spot to hike down to the water.  Phoebe has good ideas.  The river was the place to be on this hike.  It wasn't long until we saw a bald eagle soaring above the river!  We followed it downstream a while until the trail dead ended at one of the park's waterfalls.  Very cool!  As we made our way back along the river to where the river path meets another trail, Phoebe made a friend.

Why, hello Mr. River Otter!
The little river otter was so cute, and just fascinated by Phoebe!  He kept swimming up stream a little ways, then poke his head up as he floated back down the river checking Phoebe out.  Luckily for us, she's not a barker so she didn't scare him away.  (Actually I don't know if we would have even seen him if not for her-- he just kept coming back to check her out.  We watched him for probably 10 minutes before he finally got bored and disappeared.)

Who knew that the sound otters make when they're showing off sounds a lot like Lola when she's got a hairball???
They make swimming look so fun!
I think we hiked the rest of the trail with smiles plastered on our faces.  It was just such an unexpected treat to see such a thing so close to home.  I don't know how many trails we've hiked in the 23 years that we've been married, but this one is my new favorite!  :)  

Phoebe & I at the top of the falls
We continued on and enjoyed the rest of the trail.  There's just nothing that's quite as restful as being out enjoying God's creation...  And if seeing the eagle and watching the otter weren't enough to make this trip memorable, as we were leaving we had one more photo opportunity.

Lunch time for eagles!
I know it's hard to see in that photo, but we actually saw MORE eagles on our trip out.  At first we only noticed 2 eagles in a tree across the river, about 200 yards away.  One of them was actually eating a fish.  Next thing I knew, a big brown bird came along and scared that eagle away.  Then I realized we were watching a family:  mom & dad eagle with 2 younger eagles that didn't have their mature feathers yet!   

We were really too far away to get any good photos with our camera, but it was a thrilling experience for me!   This is only the second time in my whole life that I've seen bald eagles in the wild.  (And apparently it doesn't take much to impress me...)  It was a great day!  I can't wait for warmer weather so that it will be easier to get outdoors more often!  We've already scoped out at least 2 more Acres Land Trust nature preserves that we'd like to go check out next!  If you're in Northern Indiana, Northwestern Ohio, or Southern Michigan-- check out Acres property list to see if there is a nature preserve close to you!  http://www.acreslandtrust.org/

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Top O' the Morning

Fun new treasury looking forward towards St. Patrick's Day...  I know today is Valentine's Day, but I've already shared so many things for that holiday-- I decided to think ahead towards springtime...  :)   I'm always amazed at what a diverse group of talented artisans are selling there wares on Etsy.  Treasury Tuesday is a good way for me to stop and take time to look around to support my fellow crafters.  Maybe one day, I'll be so lucky as to have one of MY treasuries make the front page...  Fingers crossed!

'Top O' the Morning' by LauriesGiftsBiz

Celtic Ring of Pros...

yeats love token ne...

st patricks day dec...

Brilliant Green St....

Irish Bedtime Bless...

Celtic Irish Trinit...

Celtic Knot Nontarn...


SALE- Top o' th...

Ring Bearer Pillow ...

Top O' The Morn...


Mobius Pendant with...

Vinyl Wall Decal St...

Irish Celtic Cladda...

Renaissance Irish O...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Woot! Etsy front page...

I'm pretty excited this morning!  I woke up to 44 notifications that people liked my shop, liked an item in my shop, or featured one of my items in a new treasury on Etsy.  It took me a few minutes to figure out what was going on...  I think all the commotion is tied to another notification I received this morning-- that a treasury that included my Chicken and Egg Ruffled Apron was featured on the FRONT PAGE on Etsy!  Woo hoo!  (Supposedly that's great news for my shop!  I'm still fairly new to Etsy, so I guess I'll have to see what it means for me...  But it's pretty cool!!!)  I just thought I'd share my excitement on my blog. 

Here's a screen shot of the front page this morning...  (Suzie did a great job!)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Resolution update: Week 3

Aaaaaaaaand I'm out.  Of fabric boards, that is.  That sure didn't take long.  While I'll admit that I still think that 100 tiny bolts should have organized much more of my fabric stash that it ultimately has, I'm much more pleased with this week's progress!  While I am NO WHERE NEAR the finish line, I feel so much better about what I have been able to accomplish this week.  Working my way through the second (and last) package of comic book boards, I wasn't quite able to clear out another whole storage cube-- but close!  (Just 3 fabrics short!)  I totally wasn't expecting that after the slow progress of last week...  I am so thankful for the visible evidence that I am actually making some progress towards my goal.  It is making me excited to see what I can accomplish next week!

I also tackled the disgracefully messy bottom two shelves I showed you 2 weeks ago.  I was thrilled to finally be able to organize the fabrics I have many yards of, the heavier weight fabrics, and most of my interfacing onto larger bolts.  (Side note:  if you ask the ladies at the cutting counter at JoAnn's if you can have some of the empty bolts that they are going to throw away-- they will look at you like you just sprouted another head right before their eyes.  Try it sometime, it's fun!)   And just so that you can truly appreciate how far I've come this week, I will remind you what my shelves which held these items looked like last week:


That photo still embarrasses me.  What a mess!  But now take a look at what those shelves look like today:

This makes me happy!!!
So that's what 100 fabric storage boards/bolts will do for you...  I like it!  But I have 2 more storage cubes and the WHOLE STINKING CLOSET FULL OF FABRIC left to be organized.  I've ordered more comic book boards (twice as many as the first time) which should arrive this afternoon.  I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can get towards finishing this project with 200 more mini bolts. Organizing the rest of those storage cubes should be a piece of cake!  It's the closet that scares the living daylights out of me...  I think before I start THAT challenge, a Hoarder's marathon on Netflix might be just the motivation I need...  What do YOU think?